To the Doucette families, Please accept my sincere sympathy on the passing of your mom. She was a very sweet, soft spoken Lady who will be missed. She raised a great family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Janet Johnston Sydney Mazda
Sorry to learn of your Mom's passing. She was a fine lady who raised some great kids.
Laurie and family, very Sorry to hear that your Mom has passed. She was quite remarkable and what an active life she lived! You guys must have so many great stories about her. Take care of each other, Tracey, Glenn, Nolan and Colin.
Giselle, condolences to you and your family. Take care everyone. xo
Quentin and family: So sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. Hope you find comfort knowing she is at peace and free from pain. From Peggy and Murray MacCuish
Dear Jean's Family, so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take Care & God Bless! RIP Lovely Lady! (Kathleen Boudreau, St. Peter's)
Our sincerest sympathy to the Doucette family on the passing of your Mom, grandmom, auntie. Special hugs to Curley, Yvonne and Edna. Anne Blandford and JoAnne Burns
One summer I sent cayla to the island And she was invited to sonny boys birthday So she went and auntie welcomed her. Someone not from the family told cayla why she was at the party. I am not gonna say names lol And auntie Jean told that person off. What a woman, cayla said and was so honoured to have an auntie that stood up for her and took care of her bully. She always welcomed us as part of her family. If we were hungry she fed us, If we were cold she clothed us, if we needed a hug she was always there. Gonna miss her smile and we love you all, the children of auntie were family and we wish we could be there for you like you were for us.
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